Devanadi operates with ethical, sustainable, and green business practices, and seeks to empower people with authentic and time-tested tools and teachings to help them reach their highest potential. We invite you to join our great community of yogis and yoginis!

Want to learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training Programs? Come to an Info Session!


Training Programs Info Sessions

Join us and learn about our programs at a free Teacher Training Info Session.

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200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

235 Hour (RYT 200) Devanadi Yoga Teacher Training and Intensive

This 235hr Tantric Hatha Yoga training teaches a synthesis of yoga styles with an emphasis on asana, pranayama, and meditation. Learn to teach safe and inspired classes, and/or deepen your practice.

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300 hour Yoga Teacher Training

340 Hour (RYT 500) Devanadi Yoga Teacher Training and Intensive

340hr Advanced Training on yoga therapy, Ayurveda, Tantric Hatha Yoga, meditation, bhakti, anatomy, one-on-one work, some of the most relevant and renowned teachers and more!

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Judith Hanson Lasaster

5 Key Movement Principles with Judith Lasater

Judith shares the main kinesiological principles that can make our asana practice easier and our teaching more effective.

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Chair Yoga Training

Chair Yoga’s therapeutic adaptive exercises work your body from head to toe. The simple and easy movements are great for people in any condition, to do anytime and anywhere.

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dharma shakti empowered purpose weekend the four desires

Dharma Shakti Empowered Purpose Immersion

The Dharma Shakti Empowered Purpose Immersion training guides you through a unique process using the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedic Purusharthas to help identify your intentions, overcome self-defeating ideas and behaviors, and recognize your Soul’s song or purpose.

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outdoor meditation devanadi yoga

Meditation Immersion and Teacher Training

This immersive program is for all sincere seekers and students of Yoga looking to (re)commit to, deepen, and refine their practice of meditation.

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minnesota yoga teacher training

Minnesota Yoga Teacher Trainings, Guests, and Specialty Intensives

All 235/340hr Yoga Teacher Training Programs

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chanti tacoronte-perez

Navigating the Nervous System with Chanti

In this workshop, participants will explore the nervous system in a creative and embodied way.

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thai oncology training roni gilboa

Oncology Training: Touch Therapy and Massage for People Dealing With Cancer with Roni Gilboa

Oncology Training: Touch Therapy and Massage for People Dealing With Cancer

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Reiki & Energy Work Trainings

Devanadi offers Reiki 1, 2 and Master Level training classes that will give you the tools and techniques to begin your self-care and care for others practices.

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Sequencing Shakti: Ayurvedic Yoga Training

Combine the wisdom traditions of Yoga and Ayurveda together on the mat to learn various methodologies to create a complete practice that embodies a theme and creates intentional results.

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Tantric Hatha Yoga

Tantra Vidya: Part 1 – Foundations of Tantric Hatha Yoga

Gain a firm foundation in Tantric Hatha Yoga by exploring tools such as yoga asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation and more.

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tantric yoga and the sacred fire

Tantra Vidya: Part 2 – Tantric Yoga and the Sacred Fire

This tantric yoga training dives deep, creatively unmasking the role of the Divine (both Feminine and masculine) in our yoga study and practice including the study of the concept of Agni as fire, as well as the 10 Wisdom Goddesses.

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Thai Bodywork Herbal Compress Therapy Training

Don’t miss this amazing Thai Herbal Compress add-on to your Thai Yoga Bodywork practice. Open to ALL bodyworkers!

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thai massage for the table

Thai for the Table

Don’t miss this amazing Thai for the Table course. Open to ALL bodyworkers!

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Thai Yoga Bodywork 300hr Certification Program

Thai Yoga Bodywork offers a variety of trainings and traditional healing modalities based in eastern philosophy and medicine.

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Gary Kraftsow

The Living, Healing Tradition of Yoga Therapy with Gary Kraftsow

Don’t miss this chance to study with founder and director of The American Viniyoga Institute, Gary Kraftsow!

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Tok Sen Training

Tok Sen is a unique and authentic tool-based set of techniques to add-on to your Thai Bodywork and/or massage therapy practice. Open to ALL massage therapists and bodyworkers!

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Indu Arora

Workshops with Indu Arora

In this 3-part series with Indu Arora, explore how to beautify the body, emotions, and mind with the perennial wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda.

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Yoga Nidra Training

Yoga Nidra, an ancient practice with incredible relevance in the modern world, provides a path for rediscovery of our true nature and the many benefits that can be realized.

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Book suggestions for our yoga teacher training students.

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TT Resources Page

Helpful links and resources for aspiring yogis.

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Please watch the video to learn more about Devanadi and our programs, director, students and more!