Teachers & Therapists

Andrea Aase

andrea aase

Andrea Aase is a certified practitioner of Ancestral Lineage Healing through Ancestral Medicine in the Twin Cities.

Yoga Trainings and Certifications Background

I derive immense joy and purpose from reclaiming my intuition, deepening my connections to the Earth, and honoring the wisdom of my ancestors. I began working with my own lineages of blood and bone in 2018 and entered the one-year practitioner training program in 2022. It is a deep honor to be able to hold space for others as they rediscover their own invaluable intuitive skills and ancestral connections.

As both a child and grandchild of adoptees, I have experience navigating the complex terrain of the adoption constellation. My ancestral roots span across German, English, Scottish, Irish, and Swedish lineages, with a touch of Norwegian heritage through adoption.

With 17 years of experience in corporate clinical research and a master’s degree in theology focusing on comparative religions, I’ve cultivated a diverse skill set. While my Lutheran upbringing instilled social justice as a core value, organized religion never resonated with me. Instead, I find solace and inspiration in communing with my ancestors, Spirit, and the natural world.

Identifying as queer and situated on the asexual spectrum, I embrace my unique identity with pride. Currently residing in Saint Paul, I continue to explore and honor the rich tapestry of my ancestral heritage while carving out my path towards authenticity and spiritual fulfillment.

Learn more about Andrea: www.threeofcupsmedicine.com

Andrea's Classes, Trainings, & Workshops