Hollace Masino
Hollace Masino uses her training and experience in online instruction to lead workshops on teaching yoga in the digital age in Devanadi’s 235/340hr Yoga Teacher Training programs.
She is a long time yogini dedicated to sharing ancient wisdom of yoga into today’s way of life to connect and empower people, families and communities. She formerly owned and directed Yoga Shala Charlotte in North Carolina, and moved to the Twin Cities, MN area in 2018.
Yoga Trainings and Certifications Background
“When the teachings of yoga intersect with modern life, I can’t help but become inspired, to transform my perception and to experience personal growth. My deep passion to study the practices of yoga, ayurveda, tantra, modern science and human potential informs how I see the world and what I contribute to it.
I know that there is not a single correct path that fits the changing stride and cadence of every person. Therefore, I continue to learn and apply a range of modalities so that I have a spectrum of tools to connect with the most complete part of myself and to help my students do the same.”
~ Hollace
Hollace has played a key role in developing the workbook for The Four Desires process through ParaYoga. Hollace is a Certified Level I ParaYoga® Instructor and working towards Level II certification. She lead trainings, workshops, group classes and private sessions. Her background includes a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences and master’s degree in Instructional Technology. With this combination of mindset, skill and knowledge, her mission is to use modern technology to promote meaningful learning that motivates, inspires and connects people.