Devanadi Yoga

Costa Rica: Clear Vision Retreat Waivers & Agreements


with Tanya Boigenzahn & Paul Benedict
May 3-10, 2025


Please carefully read all the terms and conditions of this contract detailed below. By booking this room, this means you already agree to those terms whether you sign the agreement or not. 

For and in consideration for being permitted to participate in the yoga retreat that you have selected (hereinafter the “Retreat” as defined herein), you understand and agree to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Please initial each item and sign below.

Cancellation & Registration Policies

Our cancellation policy is strict and firm. Cancellation/travel insurance is HIGHLY SUGGESTED to visit Costa Rica to protect you and your investment. Visit the Costa Rica Travel Website to learn more. We recommend Allianz.

In the event of your cancellation:

  • The $600.00 per person deposit is non refundable and non transferable.
  • Cancellations on or before January 3, 2025: You will forfeit your deposit of $600.00. The remainder of your payment will be refunded to you.
  • Any cancellations made after January 3, 2025 are 100% non-refundable.

In the event of cancellation by Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict:

  • In the event of cancellation by Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict, you will be refunded your entire payment.
  • Please confirm that the retreat has reached minimum capacity before purchasing your airline tickets, if required.
  • Finalization/cancellation of retreat may occur up to 30 days prior to retreat.

I understand that there are no refunds if I choose to cancel, change or opt out of any part of my trip based on the cancellation policy above.

I understand any changes to my accommodation and/or training choices on the following pages must be requested by January 3, 2025, are limited based on availability and must be paid for immediately if there are any additional costs.

  I agree to the above terms (please initial)

Waivers & Release

Yoga and Other Activities Waiver

I agree that I am solely responsible for my own health and safety at all times during the 2025 Clear Vision Retreat with Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict. Neither the facilitators nor Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict, their employees, nor any of their assistants, shall be held liable for any injury related to this Retreat. I agree to assume all risks associated with the program in any and all way. Furthermore, I also agree to inform the appropriate person(s) of any movements, activities that I feel may injure me and I will not perform any activity or movement, or engage in any treatment which I feel is likely to cause me to injure myself. I will inform the teachers, therapists, practitioners and/or assistants of any limitations or medical conditions that may affect my practice. I agree to treat my body with patience, compassion and respect during my practice.

I understand I can stop and rest anytime. My signature indicates that I release Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict, their assistants, guest teachers, from all liability for any injuries sustained as a result of my participation.

I agree to the above terms (please initial)

Retreat Participant Agreement


The participant, by signing this agreement, agrees that the Retreat Organizers (Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict), Devanadi Yoga, Thai Yoga Bodywork LLC, New Raja Yoga, guest teachers, and their respective representatives, will not be held liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may be occasioned for any reason, including, but not limited to any defect in a vehicle, the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying a participant, acts of God, terrorism, acts of war, or detention; delays or expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force of nature, civil disturbance, government restrictions or regulations, accidents by aircraft, boat, rowboat, train, bus, motor vehicle of kind, auto tuk tuk or bicycle tuk tuk, or in any restaurant, place of visit or accommodation; failure of any means of transportation to arrive or depart as scheduled or changes to transit; missed airline or other transportation connections; or additional expenses resulting from changes in exchange rates, tariffs, or itinerary. The participant understands the risks of international travel politically and health-wise, and agrees to consult a health care provider/Travel Nurse regarding travel plans.

The participant agrees to assume all risks associated with the Retreat and agrees that no liability will attach to the Retreat Organizer, their employees or agents, or to any member of the trip in respect of death, personal injury, illness or delay of the passenger, or for any loss of or damage to the property (including luggage) of the participant during the course of the Retreat, howsoever caused. By signing this Retreat Participation Agreement and Waiver, the participant releases the Retreat Organizer and their representatives from any such responsibility or liability, except as herein above set forth. The liability of common carriers is generally limited and, therefore, it is suggested that participants purchase their own cancellation, property damage (including luggage), and accident insurance. For the benefit of everyone on your trip, the Retreat Organizer reserves the right to accept or reject any trip participant at any time without liability, and in the event it determines, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that a participant is disruptive to the harmony of the Retreat, it may without any obligation to pay a refund or any other amount whatsoever, expel such participant from the Retreat. The Retreat Organizer will have no responsibility or liability for any participant who leaves the Retreat prior to its conclusion or for any activity undertaken by any participant that is not included on the Retreat Itinerary.

Retreat Price includes: your accommodations, 3 delicious organic buffet-style meals daily, daily yoga classes with Tanya & Paul, use of Blue Spirit's amazing facilities, and all events included with retreat itinerary.

Retreat Price does NOT include: Airfare, airport shuttle to/from Blue Spirit, spa or rejuvenation center treatments, optional excursions, tips including the $90 recommended Blue Spirit staff tips added to your room during check out, alcoholic beverages, any food or drink not included in package, passports or visas, any items of a personal nature or any other expenses other than those expressly described in the brochure and above, meals during travel days, overweight baggage charges, hotel and travel incidentals, shopping, COVID testing on or offsite, travel/health insurance, etc.

Photo Waiver

I agree to grant to Teacher and its authorized representatives permission to record on photography film and/or video, pictures of my participation in the training. I further grant the Teacher permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. I understand and agree that all photos will become the property of the Teacher and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize the Teacher to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo.


It is Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict’s intention to ensure that all participants have a safe and positive travel experience. Guests are expected to behave in an orderly and socially acceptable manner during the event. Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict and their organizers reserve the right to remove any guest from the event if they behave in a manner unreasonable or disruptive towards the well being of other guests, Tanya Boigenzahn/Paul Benedict’s staff, the staff of our partner venues, or any person related or unrelated to the implementation of the event.

I agree to the above terms (please initial)

By signing below, I verify that I have read, understand, and agree to all the terms above.

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Costa Rica: Clear Vision Retreat Waivers & Agreements
lock iconUnique Document ID: 093b9e7c06815ae1fe973abbb77600a65ae02c93
Timestamp Audit
January 15, 2020 1:04 pm CDTCosta Rica: Clear Vision Retreat Waivers & Agreements Uploaded by Tanya Boigenzahn - IP
October 26, 2020 10:47 am CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
January 29, 2021 3:32 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
June 8, 2021 3:50 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 21, 2022 6:41 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 21, 2022 6:43 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 21, 2022 7:36 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
April 18, 2023 12:39 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
April 18, 2023 12:39 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
May 30, 2023 2:56 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
May 30, 2023 3:00 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
May 30, 2023 3:05 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
May 30, 2024 4:46 pm CDTTanya Boigenzahn - added by Tanya Boigenzahn - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: